A Hauly, the largest cab in the world, drives through the Erzberg; © Zöbl
We guarantee:
Director Nina Neuhold Kofler in a black jacket with a white blouse; © Hubert Uranjek
  • nicer rooms
  • full selection
  • best personal advice
  • company rate

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When your trip becomes an unique experience

Program tips for your bus & group trips

The Hotel Kongress has been a reliable partner for bus trips and group travel of all kinds for many years.

Whether it's a company outing, conference attendance, or event visit, whether you're planning a team trip, a club excursion, or a seniors' journey – the central location within Styria and the room offerings in the heart of Leoben create the perfect foundation for an unforgettable trip.

Unforgettable experiences

around Hotel Kongress Leoben:

If you have any questions or would like to plan your next group trip with us?

To guide you seamlessly through the planning process from the start, kindly submit your inquiry.

Our team members will be delighted to contact you and discuss all the details and any remaining questions.

We look forward to welcoming you and your guests!